Join Our Community

Come join the fun!  We have redesigned our communications system to better serve our customers and volunteers. Please sign up and engage today!

FIRST in Texas will not sell or share your information to anyone outside of the FIRST in Texas community and will only use it to communicate with you about our impactful programs!

If you have any questions about privacy, please email us at [email protected]

Please give us an email address that you check often.
Please provide us your cell phone number so we can SMS you a link to any email updates.
Please let us know if you are affiliated with a team.
What is Your Interest(Required)
Please let us know which lists to add you to. This helps target the communications.
What is Your Role(Required)
Please let us know what your primary role is. This will help target the communications.
Please tell us which area you reside in. It helps target communications.